To cite r4ss in publications, please use: Taylor, I.G., Doering, K.L., Johnson, K.F., Wetzel, C.R., Stewart, I.J., 2021. Beyond visualizing catch-at-age models: Lessons learned from the r4ss package about software to support stock assessments. Fisheries Research, 239:105924 A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is @Article{, title = {Beyond visualizing catch-at-age models: Lessons learned from the r4ss package about software to support stock assessments}, author = {Ian G. Taylor and Kathryn L. Doering and Kelli F. Johnson and Chantel R. Wetzel and Ian J. Stewart}, journal = {Fisheries Research}, year = {2021}, volume = {239}, pages = {105924}, url = {}, }